2022: Earthly Evolving ~ 3 February 2022

Venus is direct. Within the next twenty-four hours Mercury mercifully turns direct. This is the year you’ve been waiting to start... actually the year and the transits wonder why more hasn’t been ticked off the list at this point. Oh well, never mind that. Consider the forward-facing, public-facing slant of Saturn in Aquarius and the evolutionary intention of Pluto in Capricorn. There is no time like this time, so now is the time.

It is understandable that one might feel heavy-laden, or like contending with the real world is a heavy lift. Presently, four centaurs or Kuiper Belt Objects transit Capricorn as does the asteroid Icarus and the dwarf planet, Vesta. Add to that Venus, Mars and Pluto and for the next twelve days, Mercury, in the category of commonly used planets capriciously step through Capricorn.

Meanwhile, peering a third of the way around the circle one can sight Uranus, Sedna, and the north lunar node all in the pastures of Taurus. For the next five days the dwarf planet and formidable one Ceres polishes off her current tenure of Taurus.

Should one seek a grand trine in earth, look to Virgo, there about half way through the sign, the asteroid Psyche and the dwarf planet, Orcus perfectly convene by conjunction.

So, you feeling grounded or earthbound? Let’s assume that trudging rather than sprinting flavors the collective momentum out there. This is a lot to assimilate, so let’s briefly highlight the more digestible transits with some planetary hints and tips.

Mercury, turning direct, travels Capricorn. On 11 February they conjoin Pluto. Given that Mercury held a hall pass in and out of Pluto’s domain and given that they’ve been finding facts, making lists, and determining cost factors, Pluto directs Mercury to tell the truth about money. Tell how much it will cost without low-balling the budget. Say how much you’re worth. State your absolute bottom line in terms of what makes anything worth it or not. Get all your deep emotional economic undercurrents on the table.

Mars comes next. The reason is that Mars currently travels more expeditiously through the sign than Venus. In fact, he conjoins Venus on 15 February highlighting a conjunction between the two that virtually lasts six weeks (depending upon ones perception of orb). This is a cool balance of masculine and feminine, yin and yang, want and action, desire and gumption. Given Mars’ speed, he engages with fire starter Vesta one day before Venus (Mars to Vesta = 24 Feb) and continues to hold pace aligning with his pal Pluto (as in Scorpio co-rulers) on 2 March, one day before Venus. Says Mars, “You want it? Fetch it. What you think others are going to hand over the vibhuti without you demonstrating your value? Most unlikely.” So, on the 15th Mars agitates need and desire with higher heat. On the 24th, he strikes Vesta’s flint. Come March 3rd, he pulls out the stops. All bets are off. It’s nuclear burn time. What must be done must be done and it must be done now!

Venus recently resumed her forward motion in Capricorn. She’s still fluffing out from her station when Mars passes her by. She’ll note the agitation as he passes by, feel the yearning, and seek out a more indirect and socially appealing manner of getting things going. However, by the time she moves to Pluto, she’ll be well weary of being polite. Her declarations will be something like, “I want this, I need this... as in yesterday.” Slowly as she gathers speed and momentum, she passes Mars on 6 March as both step into the waters of Aquarius. Her resources free up as soon as she realizes she’s getting hers.

Speaking of Aquarius, this might be a good time to check in with the task master, Saturn. Likely all actions taken and results sought - whether altruistic or otherwise - are filed somewhere inside his system. He nods approvingly as he issues the reminder that even the loftiest ideas must have viability and at the end of the day, be grounded in mundane benefit to be worthy of award.


Saturn’s agenda brings up Sedna’s personal pleas as they both tramp through Taurus. Sedna insists that one take care of their own needs first. When economically and domestically sustained, then one can push into spiritual cultivation, whether personal or collective - that makes sense. No justification of circumstances need apply.

Also occupying Taurus, Uranus basically picks up everything in the psychic storage shed and gives it a good shake. In so doing, he decides what works and what doesn’t. What doesn’t he tosses into the recycle bin. What’s useful gets reset, greased, polished and tuned as required. He further assesses what might be required that doesn’t exist in the toolshed of life and pushes one to go get it without consideration of the price tag or energy expenditure required.

In Taurus for the next few days and coming off her rendezvous with the north lunar nodes is Ceres. She’s got economic advocacy on her mind... advocacy for personal well being. She’ll align with Venus and Mars to support what one does on her/their/his own behalf. She’s not so keen when Uranus brings up cyber currency, lottery tickets, or becoming a wealthy influencer. She’s very dense, tightly-packed and requires the firmest and finest of foundations for her agricultural wealth to grow. Sow seeds, foster and water and get ready...

Over yonder in Virgo, where seeds grow into things to be harvested, Psyche and Orcus align. Psyche causes one to bring dreams and unconscious visions to reality. Orcus whose orbit and real characteristics closely resemble those of Pluto, demands faithfulness to promises, vows, oaths, agreements and all those things signed and sealed. Says Orcus, “Okay, fine. You dreamt it. Now promise you will apply all that you are to fulfill that dream. No going back. This is the point of no return.”

Finally, a look at Pluto. Before you know it, he will migrate to Aquarius opening a whole new can of transformation worms. For now, he’s forcing everyone to collective ponder wealth, greed, opulence, abundance, scarcity, deprivation, satiation and any other concept that one must contemplate while making the real world and its assets viable during the spiritual quest. It doesn’t matter what you conclude. It matters what you intend to do with your realization and the conscious clarity with which all things of this world are pursued, acquired and applied. Pluto’s final caveat: Remember you can’t take it with you. None of this accumulation or accretion fits through the keyhole that leads to the Great Beyond. Reminds Pluto in his always scraping the truthful substrate manner, “Now is the 2022 you’ve been waiting to evolve. Pursue the planets. Task yourself with taking on the transits. Do it now. Do it with all the spirit essence that can be mustered!

More soon.